GPF – Only Pure government institute Provide GPF to Govt. Employee. Semi Government or Self controlled or Autonomous Bodies provide CPF GPF Information that means Contributory Provident Fund.

All Government office offers 13% interest or profit to GPF Balance, CPF also gets 13% interest on deposit, No organization offer this special interest rate or profit margin. last 2016 applies of pay scale 2015, Government has decided to deposit maximum 25% of staff or officer Basic. it is mandatory to deposit 5% of their basic.

After Two year GPF Subscription is mandatory to deposit from monthly salary. Overall it can be said that this GPF deposit and profit margin is best scheme to government employee. Private job holder can’t get this opportunity. For best scheme, all government employee try to subscribe by best deal that mean highest or maximum subscription is deposited.

GPF Balance Check and information is available by online / Online GPF Checking is best solution in this era.  Pension and Fund management website is

my gpf slip

Caption: Manual GPF Slip / Now You can get online gpf slip with no signature needed

GPF information is now opened to online users

  1. GPF information is your private authority. Office is not authority to check your gpf balance by online. if you are required edition to your gpf you can get help from your office.
  2. Go to any computer shop or take your smartphone to check gpf information or Balance or profit with NID and Mobile phone
  3. Visit:
  4. Click GPF information menu
  5. Input your NID and mobile number what is used for EFT of your salary
  6. Complete Captcha Entry and Click Submit
  7. Check your mobile for OTP Code or Password
  8. Click Ok and your are done

is Department required to get online slip?

NO – you are opened to browse internet by anywhere. Online GPF slip or GPF information can be found by anyone or anywhere. Mobile OTP is required to check it. Your department is not permissioned to check your gpf balance or interest or profit to look into it. You are now root authority to check and get gpf statement by your self alone.