ibas.finance.gov.bd – is in two versions. one is called ibas and the other is call ibas++. Before the fiscal year, 2017-18 ibas was first introduced. After that fiscal year, 2018-19 ibas++ is the second introduced in Bangladesh.

People frequently searched on the web by ibas++. ibas++ is linked with the ibas.finance.gov.bd website. this website is linked with the ministry of the finance department. ibas++ is an integrated budgetary and accounting system. This system is controlled by the finance department

The people the Republic of Bangladesh, Department of Finance allocated the management portion to The Controller General of Accounts is situated at Segun Bagicha, Dhaka. Actually, the CGA office created a team to manage ibas++. ibas++ system management is consists of a Technical Team.

ibas finance gov bd nsd / www.ibas.finance.gov.bd

ibas++ system is known to link named www.ibas.finance.gov.bd / How to browse ibas++ website directly

Caption: ibas++ / https://ibas.finance.gov.bd/ibas2/Security/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fibas2

ibas++ can be found by below method

  1. Search google by ibas2 and GO through 1st link on the search result page.
  2. Type on Browser Address Bar https://ibas.finance.gov.bd/ Click 2nd Link
  3. Direct Visit Link: https://ibas.finance.gov.bd/ibas2/Security/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fibas2

Can Everyone visit or use ibas++?

No, This website is restricted to use. Only Government Employee and Authority can use ibas++. No Practice or testing Purpose should not be used ibas++. This is warned that, if you are not in government service Please Don’t use the ibas++ website.
