ibas++ আইবাস++

ibas++ । সরকারি বেতন ও ব্যয় ব্যবস্থাপনা

ibas++ is second version of ibas. ibas++ is now integrated to pay Fixation. New Joining employee need to face pay fixation. An Employee has to do pay fixation himself. This process is very easy to everyone who uses Facebook, Email etc. It is said that modern boy can pay fixation himself.
Pay Fixation is pre-process of getting first salary of new joining employee of Bangladesh Government.  Pay Fixation is required some document to submit finally to accounts office. Required document should be scanned to pc or pendrive. Appointment Letter, NID, Self uses Mobile, Health Certificate, Educational Certificate, Experience Certificate etc.
ibas pay fixation
First page or landing page of pay fixation or www.payfixation.gov.bd Now this website redirected to https://ibas.finance.gov.bd/ibas2/Fixation
This Website is prohibited to general people who are not government employee. Misuse of this website is punishable crime. Go Through The Next Process
Some pre-caution and pre requisite remind here to do pay fixation. This Process You are need of জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র, মোবাইল ফোন নম্বর, বেতন নির্ধারণ সংক্রান্ত অফিস আদেশ এবং আনুসংগিক সকল কাগজপত্র যথা, নিয়োগ, বদলী, টাইমস্কেল, সিলেকশন গ্রেড, উচ্চতর গ্রেড, বেতন পুনঃনির্ধারণ প্রভৃতি সংক্রান্ত অফিস আদেশের সফট কপি (পিডিএফ/জেপিইজি ফরমেটে), নতুন নিয়োগের ক্ষেত্রে শিক্ষাগত সনদ, যোগদানপত্র, স্বাস্থ্যগত সনদ ইত্যাদির সফট কপি (পিডিএফ/জেপিইজি ফরমেটে), চলমান এবং নতুন নিয়োগ ব্যতীত অন্যান্য বেতন নির্ধারণের জন্য ০১/০৭/২০১৫ তারিখের বেতন নির্ধারণ ‘ভেরিফিকেশন নম্বর’, প্রিন্ট করার ব্যবস্থা।

New Joining Employee

New Joining employee doesn’t require verification No. You have to go through নতুন নিয়োগ Catagories Process. Here you are required NID Number and Mobile Number. After Inserting of NID Number and Mobile Number, you have to entry Captcha properly. after submit it you will get a SMS from ibas++ authority. Minded that OTP or Passcode will be 4 digit which have to input in your browser to go ahead.  Than you have to completely fill-up the form to ask to input there.

Pay fixation Form fil-up

You are to face pay fixation form fil-up. pay Fixation form is being auto generated. You will be asked to fill your Ministry, Division and Department. All document need to upload to ibas++ which you scanned to pc or pendrive. Seperatly upload, educational certificate, Health certificate, Appointment letter and others papers. it can be pdf or jpg format. Once you have uploaded document, you have to input joining date, Grate, Pay Scale after that you are seen Basic pay you are fixed alone.

You got Higher Scale

In the period of your job, if you are eligible to higher scale after 10 years service, you have to pay fixation by online. after online fixation completed you will get your basic salary raised. 2nd Higher scale is application after your job at same post 16 years later.

Annual increament

Bangladesh Government has ensured 5% increment on every year. Salary stage is pre-determined for every grade that 1-20th grade. So you are automatically entitle 5% increment in the end of Fiscal year july-June. 1-5 grade is not application exact 5% increment for high salary range. Salary can be revised on every year. Expansion will be adjusted with current market price.

Fixation at Promotion 

An officer gets high facility in promotion than an staff that mean 11-20 grade employee. They gets promotion in time and some time it is missing. Staff also gets promotion but not frequently, it happens within 5-15 years. So Need to fixation on promotion.

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