ibas++ new–  is a completely new registration or first time registration of a Government employee who joined in govt service first time only. This is a online Self registration process. For this process you have to complete some procedure for it.

ibas++ new user, New joining gezzetted employee can register himself first time only. If you are a ibas++ user, after posting or transfer, you don’t need to create another new ibas++ account. Your previous account will be activate in you new office.

ibas++ new self registration is not a simple things that you learnt here. Your SDO All salary statement will be availble there , Any time you can find your salary and others allowance statement, such a your income tax certificate can be generated here.

ibas++ new / ibas++ new user registration

some information for ibas++ new user / sending paper to accounts office for ibas++ new users

ibas++ new

Caption: ibas++ new registration landing page / ibas++ self registration page

step for ibas++ registation

  1. visit to ibas++
  2. iBAS++ User Registration
  3. Provide NID
  4. Mobile Number Bank Details
  5. All other information
  6. Just done it by Mobilel OTP

Hard Copy Send to Accounts office?

No, You just have to sent your bank details and salary information in the prescribed form by the accounts office, You can download from bellow and fillup then you have sent hard of the filledup form to accounts office. Thank You

