Ibas++ is Integrated Budget and accounting system that can make government bill payments and Accounting Revenue to the government. ibas++ has made an easy government payment gateway by controlling the central Ministry of Finance.
Login to iBAS++
A massive amount of people log in to ibas++. The entire government staff in Bangladesh is around 16 Lakhs. Around 5 lac users visit ibas++ for billing and accounting of government payment purposes. For this reason, sometimes the ibas++ server fails to load and can’t work for a while.
ibas++ is being developed day by day. Some feature is not yet running. In Future, ibas++ will be one of the significant tools to control and expense the budget of the Bangladesh Government. The use of technology saves time and work. It has made our billing system and pay system easy.
অনলাইনে বেতন নির্ধারণী
Pay fixation আইবাস++ একীভূত হওয়ার কারণে বেতন বিল দাখিলে সুক্ষতা এসেছে। কোনভাবেই একজন কর্মচারী বা কর্মকর্তা বেশি বেতন বা বিলে থেকে বেশি অর্থ সরকারি কোষাগার থেকে বের করতে পারবেন না। ভুল পেমেন্ট প্রতিরোধেও এটি কাজ করে।
Don’t have an account yet? Register Yourself. Forgot … অপশনগুলো সচল। তাছাড়া এন্ট্রি ফরজারি অপশন চালু তাই পাসওয়ার্ড চুরি করার কোন সুযোগ নেই। আপনি ব্রাউজারে ব্যাক করলে বা একাধিকবার অপলগিনের চেষ্টা করলে আপনাকে ব্রাউজার এবং আইবাস++ ব্লক করে দিবে।
BAS – – Finance Division, Ministry of Finance-Government of …
ibas++ Budget Preparation Module of the national budget using the Medium Term Budget Framework (MTBF) paradigm with the following key activities:
1. Implementation of resource ceilings for different levels of the organization;
2. Capturing detailed estimation and projection for operational units and field-level offices;
3. Generation of various financial statements and analysis for presentation to the parliament;
4. Multidimensional analysis of budget versus actual.
ibas++ offers design flexibility which will allow incorporating Forward Baseline Estimation (FBE) and other future changes in budget preparation. The module is being used down to Directorates for preparing a budget for 2016-17. DDO (budget holder) level budget preparation will be introduced in 2017-18.
ibas: Key Users of the ibas++ Module
- Finance Division
- Line Ministries/Divisions
- Directorates/Departments
- Field Offices
- Autonomous Bodies
There is a good demand for mobile banking in Bangladesh at present. Millions of people transact through mobile banking today. Currently, government gazetted employees are credited to their bank account through ibas++.
The use of Ibas ++ is increasing day by day. There is no online gateway system like ibas++ for private-sector employees now, but everyone thinks it will be launched shortly. Private sector employees are now resorting to mobile banking.
The scope of Ibass ++ is increasing day by day in the country. At present, its use has started in various government sectors. Also, ibas++ has more different opportunities, including pension, salary, RL bill, and GPF. About 300,000 times a month people search ibas++ online.