অনলাইনে বেতন নির্ধারণ নির্দেশিকা – সরকারি ব্যয় ব্যবস্থাপনা শক্তিশালীকরণ: অগ্রাধিকার কার্যক্রমসমূহের ধারাবাহিকতা রক্ষা কর্মসূচি অর্থ বিভাগ, অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয়।

Online Payfixation is a web based process, So You have to Enter a web address to your web browser like www.payfixation.gov.bd. Then You have to Click Next Step for Pay Fixation by ibas++ integrated with payfixation.gov.bd

Online Pay Fixation-You have read important instruction about payfixation. For Further information you can avail it by printing it. Mind it, You have to arrange some document for payfixation process completion.

Pay Fixation Process by ibas++ / Pay Fixation is now integrated with ibas++

You will get 10 option to do your task like current pay fixation for old employees, Salary Re Fixation, New Joining Fixation, Time Scale Fixation, Selection Grade Fixation, Promotional Pay Fixation, Increment Fixation, New Joining for Pay Fixation, Higher Scale Pay Fixation and Pay Fixation for Primary higher scale approval.

payfixation guide line

Caption: Landing Page of Pay Fixation / ibas++ first step of pay Fixation

Some Feature of Pay Fixation । পে ফিক্সেশন গাইড লাইন

  1. Select A Catagories From সরকারি-বেসামরিক, রেলওয়ে, সিজিডিএফ, বর্ডার গার্ড বাংলাদেশ, জুডিশিয়াল
  2. Select Your Pay Paypoint what is your Payment Collection point and Click Next
  3. Endorsement by Clicking হ্যাঁ
  4. Enter Your NID Number and Date of birth and Captcha Entry and Click প্রবেশ করুন
  5. Enter neccessary information for Pay Fixation
  6. General Information, Present office Info, Service First Joining information, Time Scale or Selectio Grade information, Paid information at 30 June 2015
  7. then খসড়া দেখুনে ক্লিক করুন।
  8. If everything is ok just click submit or দাখিল করুন।
  9. Just You have done it

Pay Fixation ibas++

is it necessary to upload regarding documents?

Yes, Mind it, You have to upload your document scan copy about your promotion/selection Grade/higher scale, Joining Letter, NID, Nationality, Identity info etc.

Payfixation guideline : download

iBAS++ User Manual