Pay Fixation পে ফিক্সেশন ২০২১

Pay Fixation পে ফিক্সেশন ২০২২

Pay Fixation is a salary fixation process of Government employee with, Pay Fixation is now integrated with ibas++, ibas++ is a financial tool of government to control budget and Submission of Staff and officer’s pay bill and Government bills.

Pay Fixation is a part of ibas++.  Bangladesh Government has made a wonderful tool to make easy transaction of Government revenue budget and to prepare of government budget.

Pay Fixation

Pay Fixation is a tool to make fixation of government employee salary when New Joining, After getting promotion, After getting higher scale of Pay scale 2015, This process increase the salary of Government staff and officers.

Pay Fixation is an online fixing process to fix salary of Government Employee. is vital website to register with NID and Mobile Number. If one did pay fixation, He/she can’t register again with this NID and Mobile Number.

Why Pay fixation is required?

After Joining in the government job, staff or officers is under fixation by online. Previous time, Pay fixation was manual But Now This process is automatic and Online based. So Online Based Pay fixation is dependable or than Manual. Manual process is slow process but online fixation process is very quick and trusted process.

All Financial Data and Personal data is being stored by online pay fixation on This process is integrated with ibas++

Pay Fixation On First Joining

After Completing of Appointment process. One has to joining in posted department. From the joining date pay fixation is mandatory to get his/her first salary. without pay fixation, none can get Salary for the month he/she joined. So First after gathering all information one’s has to complete online pay fixation process.

An officer or staff gets Fixation message to his mobile number, before getting sms alert fixation is not completed. Fixation completion demand to submit salary for the month by ibas++

Pay Fixation on Promotion

After 5 years or 3 years one’s get promotion one to another post. First he has to complete feeder post age. Promotion means transfer to another location. Sometimes Promotion in same department in same place. whatever that Salary or pay scale is updated to higher by the promotion fixation. some times LPC transfer problem and other’s problem pay fixation is delayed.

Salary re fixation on promotion, salary raised by around 500 taka to 4000 taka. in the staff level around 500 taka, in the officer level around 4000 taka.

Pay Fixation on Higher Scale

For the heavy driving license Drivers get higher scale from the date of joining or date of application. They are not getting fixation benefit for getting higher scale. just get changed their scale 16 to 15 grade. Lower stage fixation process is applicable for driver’s higher scale for that after declaration of pay scale 2015. Who has got higher scale before 2015, they get benefit for fixation by one increment. Joining at the same date, higher scale granting in different time, There not in same basic. Scale is same but basic is unequal.

After circulation of pay scale 2015, higher scale is providing only 20 taka fixation benefit. Sometimes Basic is equaled by personal Pay. In the next year, PP or Personal pay is washout. salary is out of one increment that’s why salary decrease from the previous year.

Salary equation is now activated for the pay scale of 2009, Due higher is being approved by the authority and they are getting benefit from higher scale or time scale.

Higher scale or time scale after 10 Years or 16 Years

Staff or officer gets higher scale after service of 10 year in same post. higher scale that mean 13 to 12 grade or 9 grade to 8 grade. This higher scale is benefit for officer but not for staff. Sometimes staff salary decrease from his/her current basic salary. Before publishing pay scale 2015, staff was getting fixation benefit from pay scale of 2009.

higher scale of 10 year was in tribunal that why in the writing time of post, after getting approval of applying 10 years higher scale, some staff is getting higher scale, higher scale of 16 years service of same post is not getting yet. after the year end of 2021 some officer and staff will get higher scale of 16 years service in same post.

Pay Fixation 2021


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